"Zane H. Healy" <healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>If you have access to USENET the Amiga newsgroups are some of the best left
>(man has USENET gone down hill since I first started using it).
(Insert sound of crusty old man voice) "I was on the fricking net before
they even called it the Internet!"
>Just beware the euphoria is running extremally high with everyone waiting for
>the big announcement from Amiga, Inc. at "World of Amiga" in London this
>weekend. The hype is this announcement will change the face of computing,
>PERIOD, and will feature some BIG names.
(Insert sound of Monty Python "Black Knight" sketch, appropriate to
Amigoids who hop around on one leg shouting "It's not dead yet.")
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <
Received on Tue May 12 1998 - 08:47:49 BST