My wife informed me today that she couldn't join me for lunch so I
decided to take the time and spend it visiting a couple of thrifts
here. Glad I did. I picked up a Commodore C64 (in the shorten C128
style case, sans power supply) just for the heck of it, it was only
$0.80 along with a C2N Cassette drive and 2 Kraft KC3 PC/Apple 2
joysticks. Those are nice ones. But what really caught my eye was a
small box in the back of the top shelf. It was a Radio Shack MC-10
Micro Color Computer, missing the power supply of course. I brought
it back to the office and asked our sysadmin if he could load Office
98 on my new portable for me. He didn't know what to say. :-)
Anyone have anything for the MC-10? Doc, software, etc. The other
big find, to me anyway, was a book for $0.50, INTRODUCTION TO DEC
SYSTEM-10: TIME-SHARING AND BATCH. This book is great! Now I just
need a system to play with. More books and computers, that'll teach
my wife to skip out on lunch. :-)
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Tue May 12 1998 - 10:53:28 BST