At 07:06 PM 5/13/98 +0300, you wrote:
>to learn anything in perticular, except for stuff pertaining to... anyway, I
>think that here's a good time to give students a choice to know what they're
>going to do. I, for instance, want to specilize in Computers. Spending
>time learning "Pre-Algebra" (Just spent 2 class periods making a protractor
>accurate to 90' from a piece of paper.) isn't helpful, at least not that
Okay, so maybe you're a wiz in math/science, but you've got two
misspellings in there (pArticular and speciAlize) so perhaps you should be
concentrating on grammar/literature/etc? 8^)
>>High school, take the first two to the next levels and add skills needed
>>to find paying work.
>I say that some students should be given the oppertunity to do this in Jr.
>High. Not everyone, but some people. After all, by this time, you know if
>you're not going to be a chemist, programmer, or anything.
Well, in Jr. High I was all set to be a private dick... er, detective.
Early high school, I was ready to head for Harvard Law School. Late high
school, the plan was U-Ill/Urbana-Champaign for under Grad Elect/Elect
Engineering, then MIT for grad school. During college (SF City College) I
was going to join the FBI. After dropping out of college, I wanted to be a
synthesist, or maybe an inventor. Now, I want to be a politician.
So when is it you know what you want to be when you grow up?
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 20:21:23 BST