Due to the volume reduction act of 1998 I need to find homes for a
few things:
1.) Apple II ProDOS User's Kit. Complete in box. (Includes disk, manuals,
packing list, foam, and other exciting artifacts.)
2.) Apple II Apple Logo. Includes box, disk, and 2 manuals ("Introduction
to Programming through Turtle Graphics" and "Reference Manual").
3.) Box of 8 inch floppies unknown condition:
a.) digital software (BA-M386A-BA) WPS-8/DECMATE V2 BIN MATH RX2
b.) digital software (BA-M471A-BA) WPS-8/DECMATE V2 BIN SORT RX2
c.) digital software (BA-M470A-BA) WPS-8/DECMATE V2 BIN COMM RX2
d.) digital software (BA-M469A-BA) WPS-8/DECMATE V2 BIN LIST RX2
e.) digital software (BA-M387A-BA) WPS-8/DECMATE V2 BIN BASE RX2
f.) digital software (BA-S968B-MA) ALVTAB0 DECMATE SYSTEM TEST
g.) hand labeled intel "SA/FT/FMS Priam Interface, SMD Interface
for updated byte/serial PCB's"
h.) hand labeled dysan "Backup of Priam test programs"
The box is one of those that can be attached to others of the same
type. Manual and labels for box included. Whoo-hoo.
Is #3 enough to get a decmate runnin?
Make me an offer. Random old Sun bits preferred, cash accepted.
The Antique Computer Collection:
Received on Fri May 15 1998 - 02:58:08 BST