North Star Horizon

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Sat May 16 16:45:59 1998

> > only around 30,000 of these fine mechines where ever built so i would say
> > that they are very rare these days....

Gee, if only there were 30,000 IBM 709s made...

Rare? I do not think so. I tend to use the following condition to label
something as rare:

If there is a machine that I am actively looking for, and I have a pile of
money to spend, yet I forsee a search that will last _at_least_ a couple
of years, the machine is rare.

Examples (of significant machines, anyway):

Any pre-S/370 IBM big iron, Apple 1s (you knew that), any pre-KS DEC 36
bitters, Interdatas, Lisa 1s with Twiggies, Sun-1s, pre-AGS Ciscos, etc. *

Note that I do not consider IMSAIs and Altairs all that rare. Why? Because
I am sure I could get one in a manner of a few months, just I might have
to drop a four figure sum to do it.

My reasoning is based on some of my experiences with finding the old junk
- there is just an enormous amount of it out there, waiting to be found!
And yes, in the 1960s and 70s, when some of the really cool old stuff was
being taken out of commision, there were people just like us that dragged
the stuff home from work - that is how things like a PDP-1 gets found in a
barn in Kansas (I think Kansas, I will have to look that up).

* Yes, I know the list is not complete, and I invite anyone to add to it.
Wow, that might even qualify as being on-topic!

William Donzelli
Received on Sat May 16 1998 - 16:45:59 BST

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