I was told that most of these were pitched when they were replaced due
to security concerns. Any truth to this rumor?
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Subject: Re: Questions, questions
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 5/21/98 1:26 PM
Marty wrote:
> Speaking of Zenith 248 computers, does anybody have a guesstimate on
> the amount of tempested Zenith 248's produced? They typically are
> labelled Zenith Inteq.
We had 25 of them in one course area on Chanute AFB prior to it's close and
were a lot of other secure areas that had requirements for them too. So just
base you're probably looking at a few thousand. I don't even want to guess
overall number was just for the USAF let alone the entire production cycle of
Russ Blakeman
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Subject: Re: Questions, questions
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