Desie Hay wrote:
> >I'm sure a lot of people wish Bill Gates were in Gary's shoes (so to
> speak).
> >
> >
> well yes I suppose........but didnt Garry get killed in a bar fight a few
> years ago???
No, he died of a heart attack after a good number of years on the PBS
"Computer Chronicles" show.
> No old Billy Gates has brought some good into this world............
> but 99.9999% of what he has done is just to steal and steal..........
Bill Gates and I are a month apart in age. My zits cleared up, he
became a billionaire. I guess we're even.
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
Received on Fri May 22 1998 - 20:53:50 BST