Sam Ismail wrote:
> > There was a discussion on here a while back about whether IBM had ever made
> > cassette decks to attach to that port, and IIRC, the outcome was
> > inconclusive. If such a thing existed, certainly there were never many of
> > them. In general, the favorite commodity cassette recorder for the purpose
> > was one of the long Panasonics with the carrying handle.
> I believe it was Russ Blakeman (could be wrong) who said he had actually
> seen an IBM data cassette recorder but didn't think anything of it. So as
> rumor goes, they are believed to exist.
And it may very well have been a Panasonic that had been relabeled by IBM (like
certain brand washers being made with Kenmore panels). Now that you mention the
Panasonic, it was similar to the type I had a while back. Either way, it had IBM on
the front and a P/n on the back and it worked.
Now you have me going nuts as to who I sold or gave that to. I'd love to get a
Polaroid and post it for anyone interested.
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
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Received on Sat May 23 1998 - 02:07:01 BST