On Sat, 23 May 1998, Ward Donald Griffiths III wrote:
> > It's simple:
> >
> > DB-25 male: serial port
> >
> > DB-25 female: parallel port
> I've got a gagload of equipment that disagrees with you. At least the
> connectors on my TRS-80 Model II are labelled in english instead of
> foolish little "universally understandable" hieroglyphs. (My ass if
> they're "universally understandable" -- those fewking pictures never
> mean a thing to me, I'm handicapped by early literacy).
No, no, no. I meant on the IBM PC and its ilk you can basically be
assured that male is serial, female is parallel. I wasn't referring to
any computer but.
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
September 26 & 27...Vintage Computer Festival 2
http://www.siconic.com/vcf for details!
[Last web page update: 05/11/98]
Received on Sat May 23 1998 - 11:04:54 BST