On Mon, 25 May 1998, Uncle Roger wrote:
> At 01:46 PM 5/22/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >> Your hopes are dashed. The only pricey IBM PCs are the ones that had 16K
> >> installed at the factory and weren't upgraded. The 64K ones are relatively
> >
> >That's absurd (bordering on perverse) -- what could you DO with a machine
> >like that? (Yes, run BASIC and use cassettes... I know.)
> In my day, sonny, 16K was plenty of room. Back then, we knew how to
> program. It was an art. Not like the kids today, with their megabytes and
> Gooeys and write-once-read-many, magneto-optical, doohickies... (whups,
> gotta go, time for maaaatttlooock!)
You fooled me, Roger. I was expecting maaalooox!
- don
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
> Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
> roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
> Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
> San Francisco, California http://www.sinasohn.com/
Received on Mon May 25 1998 - 14:01:38 BST