On Thu, 28 May 1998, Gabaly, Stephen J wrote:
> For anyone that's interested Steve Wozniak has a home page at
> www.woz.org <http://www.woz.org> . He has a digital camera in his office
> which you can point and zoom to see what he is up too, just click on the
Cool. A worthy competitor to JennyCam.
> wozcam button. His email address is also there, I have emailed him several
> times about questions I had on the early days of Apple, he responded quickly
> (few minutes). Generally if he can answer the question off the top of his
> head, he will, otherwise he will politely tell you he is too busy. I think I
> have used up my quota of questions for the year so perhaps someone on this
> discussion group can organized a question of the month so he won't get
> bombarded with a hundred questions and change his email address. Just a
> thought.
How about posting the results to the list?
-- Doug
Received on Thu May 28 1998 - 13:58:23 BST