CRT decay

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Sun Nov 1 18:21:48 1998

In a computer lab at my school, there is an NEC Multisync 17+
monitor. When off, fingerprints are visible on the surface. I guess
it has some kind of finish that got eroded by skin oil. Could this be
similar? What is this CRT from again?
>> > I've got an old CRT that is decaying along the glass edges.
>> Are you _sure_. Glass is normally pretty stable, and if it was really
>> decaying I would have expected the CRT to have imploded. There's
>> 1/2 a ton of force on the screen of even small CRTs.
>No, I'm not sure. When I first saw it, I thought mold was growing
>the edges, but closer examination showed that that "growth" was inside
>glass, and the patterns were somewhat crystaline. I'll let you know if
>it spontaneously implodes.
>> However, there are CRTs that are made with a laminated glass
faceplate -
>That's probably it. I saw beads along the edge, so it must be the
>that is crystalizing. I'll still let you know when it spontaneously
>implodes, though :-)
>> No remaining phosphor? This is strange... What on earth is going on?
>It's possible that the phosphor was simply hidden by the now-opaque
>plastic crystal.
>So, how do you detect these laminated CRTs, and can they be sealed to
>prevent this type of decay?
>-- Doug

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Received on Sun Nov 01 1998 - 18:21:48 GMT

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