ROM debuggers (was Re: PDP-11/44 boot prompt)

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Sun Nov 1 19:58:19 1998

"Max Eskin" <> wrote:
> I mentioned that all Apple computers have debuggers/monitors.

I wrote:
> That's certainly not true.

"D. Peschel" <> wrote:
> You need to substantiate your claim.

Why is my claim (some X don't have Y) more in need of substantiation than a
"universal" claim (all X have Y)?

> Which Apple computers don't have ROM debuggers or monitors?

Did you even spend 30 seconds thinking about the question before you gave
up and asked me?

There have been many; they outnumber the models that *DO* have a ROM debugger.

The ones that fall within the charter of this group (introduced before
November 1, 1988) are:

        Macintosh 512K
        Macintosh 512Ke
        Macintosh 512K/800
        Macintosh Plus
        Macintosh SE
        Macintosh SE/FDHD
        Macintosh II
        Macintosh IIx
        Macintosh IIcx (maybe, not sure of exact intro date)

And perhaps I've missed some.
Received on Sun Nov 01 1998 - 19:58:19 GMT

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