CRT decay

From: Marty <>
Date: Mon Nov 2 08:15:57 1998

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Subject: CRT decay
Author: at internet
Date: 10/31/98 11:05 PM

>I've got an old CRT that is decaying along the glass edges.
 Are you saying the phosphor is peeling off the inside of the tube, the
 aquedag peeling off, or is the glass actually deteriorating? I've
 never seen glass deteriorate and have some television kinescopes
 (CRT's) which are close to sixty years old and show no sign of decay,
 including the aquedag and phosphor.
 I've seen foam turn to dust, rubber turn to goo, batteries turn to acid,
 but I hadn't expected CRT glass to revert to sand. Sam tells me that he's
 seen something similar on his Soroc terminal.
 What process is causing this? Isn't glass basically SiO2? I assume it's
 crystalizing rather than oxidizing.
 Anything I can do to prevent it from occurring on other tubes?
 Any interesting risks associated with firing an electron gun at this
 crystalized stuff with no remaining phosphor?
 -- Doug
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