CRT decay

From: John Foust <>
Date: Mon Nov 2 10:56:14 1998

At 11:41 AM 11/2/98 -0500, Marty wrote:
> Sounds like you may be talking about a 'getter' which is used in the
> production of vacuum tubes (valves for you gents across the pond) to
> eliminate vapor and residual air the vacuum pump can't draw out or may
> be in the metal components of the tube (plate, grid, filiment and
> arbor). The getter is a compound (barium, magnesium, etc.) placed in
> the tube which is ignited after the envelope is sealed. After the
> getter ignites it sometimes leaves a silver coating inside the tube.

Yes, "getter" is the word. The substance I remember would generate
an ozone-smelling gas when wetted. It physically resembled calcium
carbide in color in appearance.

Offhand, I'm not sure how this coincides with your description of an
ignited compound: you'd think there wouldn't be much oxygen there
at that point in manufacturing, and what combustive process would
*release* free metal?

- John
Received on Mon Nov 02 1998 - 10:56:14 GMT

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