Classic != IBM AT

From: Doug Yowza <>
Date: Tue Nov 3 18:21:38 1998

On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Max Eskin wrote:

> Better get your priorities straight, man! The Libretto is just a
> little notebook.

It's the first little notebook with a TFT and Pentium. I.e., the first
big notebook in little notebook form-factor.

> The CrossPad will probably be forgotten soon enough.

The CrossPad will fail because of it's price, but it's a very cool idea.
Paper is still useful, and a paper pad that you can upload to your
computer is *very* useful.

> I wish I could forget the Cassiopeia; I don't know if Windows CE is
> significant out of dozens of other OSs but I think that's a good bet.

Come on, it's Microsoft. The first version of anything from Microsoft is
collectible. (I'm hoping that I can collect the last version of Microsoft
software some day soon.)

> But, why did you leave out the Pilot? It's got to be the most popular
> of PDAs.

I included the Pilot under "etc." The point was that classic computers
didn't stop being made after the PC came out.

-- Doug
Received on Tue Nov 03 1998 - 18:21:38 GMT

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