Tony Duell wrote:
> [Single key entry] of BASIC keywords]
> > There were several such utilities sold as add-ons for the TRS-80 Mod
> > One that I recall, and at least a couple for the Color Computer. I
> LDOS (an operating system for the TRS-80 Model 1 and 3) and TRS-DOS 6.x
> (which was essentially LDOS) for the Model 4 came with a program called
> KSM/FLT. That stood for Key Stroke Multiply and it let you assign a
> string to the letter keys on the keyboard (I think it was CLEAR+letter
> key). Either one of the standard files, or one everybody created early
> on was for single-key entry of BASIC keywords.
Jawohl. I had KSM files on my 4p (both LDOS and TRSDOS6) to use in
BASIC and JCL programming, for telecommunications, for Scripsit and
SuperScripsit, for Multiplan and Visicalc. Among other things. I
forget if I built the BASIC files from one that came with the OS or
one I pulled off of Compu$erve.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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Received on Tue Nov 03 1998 - 19:57:15 GMT