Fwd: Your attention, please...

From: Charles E. Fox <foxvideo_at_wincom.net>
Date: Wed Nov 4 07:39:32 1998

At 06:21 PM 11/4/1998 +1030, you wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris <webmaster_at_rlrnews.com>
>To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
>Date: Wednesday, 4 November 1998 19:16
>Subject: Fw: Fwd: Your attention, please...
>>Forwarded by Dominique Cormann <kozmik_at_wave.home.com>
>>---------------- Original message follows ----------------
>> From: Chris <webmaster_at_rlrnews.com>
>> To: hardware-list_at_rlrnews.com
>> Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 01:14:41 -0600
>> Subject: Fwd: Your attention, please...
>>>Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 22:27:44 -0800
>>>Reply-To: rcain_at_SPRYNET.COM
>>>Sender: American Parlimentary Debate Association <APDA_at_PUCC.BITNET>
>>>From: Rob Cain <rcain_at_SPRYNET.COM>
>>>Subject: Your attention, please...
>>>To: Multiple recipients of list APDA <APDA_at_PUCC.BITNET>
>>> URGENT!! Please distribute this to everyone you know.
>>> When John Glenn returns from space, everybody dress up in ape suits.
>>> We have six days in which to bury the Statue of Liberty up to her
>>> head.
>>> Your cooperation is appreciated.
>>Get the information you need at http://www.hardwaregroup.org/
>>Get info on the RC5 Challenge! rc5_at_rlrnews.com!
>Maybe this means something to the Americans in the list, but I don't get the
>Someone care to enlighten me?
>Geoff Roberts
>Computer Systems Manager
>Saint Marks College
>Port Pirie South Australia.
>My ICQ# is 1970476
>Ph. 61-411-623-978 (Mobile)
> 61-8-8633-0619 (Home)
> 61-8-8633-8834 (Work-Direct)
> 61-8-8633-0104 (Fax)
        Sounds like none of "The Planet of the Ape" movies didn't make it down

                                Charles E. Fox
                       Chas E. Fox Video Productions
        email foxvideo_at_wincom.net Homepage http://www.wincom.net/foxvideo
Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 07:39:32 GMT

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