Classic != IBM AT

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Wed Nov 4 11:24:13 1998

>> I wish I could forget the Cassiopeia; I don't know if Windows CE is
>> significant out of dozens of other OSs but I think that's a good bet.

> Come on, it's Microsoft. The first version of anything from Microsoft is
> collectible. (I'm hoping that I can collect the last version of Microsoft
> software some day soon.)

First version yes, especialy when it is a gigantic
flop like Windows for Pen Computing :) But when
it comes to be a success - or at least it is not
floping, I think there is no urgend need to find
it. And until now, CE seams to stay as a Me To
product (After the Newton retreat the Pilot is
just the standard pen device).


P.S.: I'm still looking for a Cristal Newt (MP120
in clear case), and a _reasonable_ priced eMate
(And of course any hard and software around the
Newt, especialy development tools etc).

Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 11:24:13 GMT

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