Tandy MC5000 (was: Re: Classic != IBM AT)

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Wed Nov 4 15:37:40 1998

Once upon a midnight dreary, Russ Blakeman had spoken clearly:

>The models up to (but not including) the 50 series were ISA and after that

Oh, the collectibility of MCA machines was brought up once before in this
thread, and (to me, anyway) the Tandy MC5000 seems rather collectible, as
one of the very few non-IBM MCA architecture machines ever sold. (I
acutally saw one, once upon a time... they weren't too popular, tho.)

Was this the first MCA "clone"?

I'm pretty sure the MC5000 came out in '88, so it's ontrack topically.

>All the info on the vintage IBM machines can be found starting with the
index page
>at IBM Canada (eh!) at http://www.can.ibm.com/helpware/vintage.html

Hey! I'm not Canadian, and I say eh! (of course, the border is roughly 4 km
away, so...... ;-)

See ya,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 15:37:40 GMT

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