> Lawrence Walker wrote:
>> Both the model 25 and 30 came out in 8086 and 286 versions. The 25 had
>> 286 models. 25-286 and 25LS. The models 50 and 60 were also 286s'
> The models up to (but not including) the 50 series were ISA and after
that were
> microchannel. The 25 came out originally as an XT class machine with an
> processor ( see http://www.can.ibm.com/helpware/8525.html ) and the 286
version of
> it was only one version that I'm aware of as seen at
> http://www.can.ibm.com/helpware/8525286.html
> The LS may be an aftermarket version, much like putting a Reply
motherboard into
> one.
> All the info on the vintage IBM machines can be found starting with the
index page
> at IBM Canada (eh!) at http://www.can.ibm.com/helpware/vintage.html
Thanks for the reference. I have bookmarked it.
Thanks also to everyone who has pointed out the model 25 and the 286
versions. Both well after my time - when I left IBM there were just the
30, 50, 60 and 80. I think I had heard of the 25 though - perhaps that
will teach me not to open my mouth quite so wide.
No thanks to whoever said the 8088 and 8086 were the same thing. If that's
the case, the Pentium and the 80386 are the same thing :-)
Received on Thu Nov 05 1998 - 03:18:51 GMT