Tandy 600 Archive

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Thu Nov 5 12:51:46 1998

Once upon a midnight dreary, John Foust had spoken clearly:
>At 10:17 PM 11/4/98 -0500, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>>There are a few pictures under the "graphics" subdir... as explained to me:
>>There may be some pictures ... but prolly are ascii-type art.
>I saw old Compuserve-style "RLE" graphics files, and some ".do" documents
>that contained a series comma-separated numbers that are probably another
>form of run-length-encoded graphics data. Not quite ASCII art.

Hence the "prolly"... and I had explained that I had not even attempted to
look at the files in that subdirectory... only that they were there.

Besides, with the limited resolution of the Tandy 600 screen (checking '87
catalog... 480x128 pixels monochrome) I highly doubt that the pix are of
photographic quality...

Needless to say, the Tandy 600 didn't put Playboy out of business... ;^>


Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Received on Thu Nov 05 1998 - 12:51:46 GMT

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