I have removed more stuff that is sold or is pending sale. All items listed
herein are now price negotiable :)
$10 plus shipping, the RAM cards alone are worth $10 :)
Atari 800 (not working, parts?)
Atari 1050 Disk Drive (SIO cable included)
Atari 1050 Disk Drive (SIO cable included)
Commodore 64 (complete in box)
Commodore 1541 Disk Drive (in box, works, grey model)
Commodore 1541 Disk Drive (in box, dont work, white model)
Commodore 1541 II Disk Drive (complete in box)
Commodore 128 (complete in box)
*** Due to complete underwhelming response, the IMSAI has been posted on
ebay ***
Kaypro II (incl. boot disk, this has a third party RTC upgrade in it, it
needs new batteries)
Kaypro IV (incl. boot disk)
NorthStar Advantage (Works perfectly, comes with Graphic CP/M 2.2)
TI-99/4A Computer (beige model, in box)
TRS-80 Model III (with some software)
8" SS/SD Dual Drive Subsystem (ICOM, it's a really nice subsystem)
"Fat" Macintosh (Mac 512K, works great, in original box with original
CoCo 2 (Works peachy)
Buyers pay shipping charges FOB Lawrence, Massachusetts. I'm willing to pay
parts of shipping on larger items.
Whatever isn't spoken for here by next monday (11/9) will be posted on Ebay.
Received on Fri Nov 06 1998 - 11:01:21 GMT