Short Intro

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Fri Nov 6 18:31:20 1998

Allison J Parent wrote:
> < Just curious if anyone remembers a magazine called "Kilobaud" - Seems
> < like it had a short life.
> Yes I remember it, mostly hardware bent and good too. Lasted at least
> four years.

Don't recall exactly, but it was longer than that. A couple of years
as "Kilobaud", then as "Kilobaud Microcomputing" as the font for the
first word shrank and the font for the second word grew, then a couple
of years as just "Microcomputing". Of course, there were more pages
published in the few years of the spin-off "80-Micro" than there were
in the whole run of Kilobaud under any name. Which itself spun-off
"Hot CoCo".
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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Received on Fri Nov 06 1998 - 18:31:20 GMT

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