PCJr: The LEAST collectible machine? (Was: FA: Apple Lis

From: Marty <Marty_at_itgonline.com>
Date: Mon Nov 9 16:01:32 1998

 Not to change the subject but has anybody ever seen the light pen for
 the PCJr? I've read in the PCJr literature that it was supposed to be
 available but haven't known of anybody having seen or used one.
 Thanks, Marty

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Subject: PCJr: The LEAST collectible machine? (Was: FA: Apple Lisa an
Author: classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu at internet
Date: 11/9/98 4:51 PM

> Anyone looking for a color display for a PCjr before it goes on ebay? I've
> it before for the $35 I bought it for but either everyone has one, no one
> one, or they think it's $34 too much for them <G>
 Perhaps you'd like to trade the monitor without PCJr for a PCJr without
 Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
 XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
 2210 Sixth St. (510) 644-9366
 Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
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