Elf99 - rebirth of a classic

From: Hans Franke <franke_at_sbs.de>
Date: Mon Nov 9 18:24:46 1998

> I have been in discussion with some folks about 1802's and the possibility
> of producing a modern PCB for the Popular Electronicss Elf design. Hans
> Franke seems to think that there would be some interest in Germany for
> a few units, enough to make me consider burning a board.

I realy would like to play with such a beast :)

> I would be
> curious to hear what other list members though about price, features, etc.
> The good news is that Harris still makes the 1802 for less than $10, and
> the TIL311 displays that the Elf calls for are available for less than $10
> each, used.

> How authentic should a modern Elf be? Try to use 1822/2101 RAM or use
> cheaper 6264 SRAM chips? Add space for an optional 1861 video chip,
> a-la the fourth part of the orginal Elf article? Add space for a 1854
> UART? Add an I/O port? Add nothing to the Quest PCB layout? Remove
> nothing? (There was a socket for a 16-pin PROM and room for onboard 7805
> regulator as well as optional memory battery backup).

To add my opinion, I would just go for the minimal design, with
spare for all parts, maybe with a spare for the video, althroug
I think this one is no longer available, and we would need more
than just the chip. Futher I would add a two sockets for two to
32 K RAM/EPROM and some logic to mirror the EPROM to address 0
after reset (selectable per switch). Eventualy also spares for
additional 1852s.

> Another question, perhaps more on topic - would this count as a classic?
> It could be authentic as far as operation is concerned (toggle switches
> and 256 bytes of accessible RAM), but it would still be on a modern
> board, made recently. In short, does form or function denote "classic"?

It's not a classic, but rather a replica. And in difference
of Mercedes SSK look alikes on FORD or GM chasis the main
parts (CPU, RAM, Display) would be genuine.


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Mon Nov 09 1998 - 18:24:46 GMT

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