iMac AddOn (was: Future Collectibles)

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Mon Nov 9 22:21:01 1998

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Doug Yowza wrote:

> Puuhlease! (Is Roger Rabbit still around?)
> What was historic about the Mac? It was a cheaper, better Lisa. A mere
> evolutionary improvement over another Apple product (which was just the
> commercializtion of one of PARC's concepts).

Oh come on! Don't start this again. You're going to say that the
Macintosh was NOT historic?

Puuhlease (indeed)!

> The Apple ][ was just an incremental improvement over the Apple 1.
> The Altair was a small incremental improvement over the Mark-8, Scelbi,
> etc.
> The C64 was cheap. And the PC (not the PC-XT) was just IBM's badge on a
> dull box.
> This should teach you two things: don't underestimate small incremental
> improvements and/or "panache", and don't be a revolutionary (nobody will
> remember you).

This is a much different story. The iMac has merely "reinvented" the
wheel. The Apple ][, Altair and C64 almost were the wheel. That's the
difference. If the iMac had a holographic display and used strictly voice
command to operate it, then it might be on order of the Apple ][ or

Yes, its historical. But its no Macintosh.

(I want one.)

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Always being hassled by the man.

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Received on Mon Nov 09 1998 - 22:21:01 GMT

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