Well, I too have a dual channel 24/7 ISDN connection for my
network at home but my web/email/ftp server is on a different T1
connection for speed. I could host the mailing list on
trailingedge.com as well as an FTP site. Lots of spare
space/cpu/bandwidth on that system. I think it would be best if it
could stay where it is for many reasons but wouldn't have any
problem running it. I manage other mailing lists off the servers at
work so I could set some up on my personal server without any
On 9 Nov 98, at 19:32, Jim Strickland wrote:
> If we don't find a list owner at u of washington, I can host the list on
> my home unix machine. Caviets apply - if the list clobbers me loadwise
> I'll have to ask it to move again. Can someone give me figures on how
> many people actually use this list?
> And for reference, my home unix machine runs continuously on the end of an
> ISDN link. It's a dx4/100 machine running linux.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Tue Nov 10 1998 - 00:11:16 GMT