Oh, now I understand why you were disagreeing with me! Another debate
over pedantics...if I go by this, my original statement is hereby
revised to 'The iMac is not historic'
>Err, no, I was saying that "historic" does not mean "revolutionary".
>History reports impactful events more than innovative events.
I don't think that the iMac is associated with saving Apple at all. If
anyone in the future is familiar enough with the iMac to think it saved
Apple, I would expect that the fact it is just a symptom of Steve Jobs'
marketing abilities and nothing interesting in itself or even more
desirable in any way than any other G3 will also be known.
>The iMac will be seen as historic if it saves Apple (and that is yet to
>seen). And it will have a nice chunk of Jobs mythology behind it as
>which sure doesn't hurt.
>-- Doug
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Received on Tue Nov 10 1998 - 16:22:08 GMT