Another resource for older systems

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Wed Nov 11 09:15:57 1998

>> I stumbled on this site a while back and a few on the list may be
>> interested. Postings of want to buy and sell of "classic" type systems.
>> I have not had any response from the post I put there several months back -
>> Looking for DEC equipment but others may have better luck.


> Were you aware of the fact that the listed site is in the Netherlands? Just
> curious as unless you specify US shipping only you may be greeted by replies
> from former Soviet block countries as I have on other Euro sales sites.

Same on eBay or anywhere else - the net doesn't end at the
borders of states (maybe but China and North Korea). If you
insit on special rules, like only cash, no sale to white men,
or only within a special county, you have to post it.

> Seems Czechs, Romanians, East Germans

East Germans ? Geee - did you miss some years ? They have
nowadays the newer PCs :)

> and all the like are just anxious as can be to
> get US technology, old or new and in many cases without regard for shipping
> costs.

This time is gone since years - when it comes to PC tech,
Taiwan ships as fast as they get payed - no matter who is

> I'm not sure enough myself of customs laws of present day to go through
> all of that but I know at one time there were heavy restrictions on exports of
> hardware and software.

There are sill a lot of US enforced restrictions about
computer parts (And the US government still tryes to
pressure other countries to maintain similar rules),
but in fact they never have been a hurdle at all. They
just liftet the price (like any other law that tries
to forbid people to get what they want).

As a matter of fact, all this regulations just hit
the US economy more than any other.

As long as it is about the EU, there are no more import
taxes or special rules regarding computer parts. They
droped all EU taxes and most of the regional import
taxes on computers - So if something contains electronic
parts - just try to find some way to declare it as computer


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 09:15:57 GMT

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