1802 docs

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Wed Nov 11 10:53:35 1998

< Ooh. I don't have anything from DDJ or Kilobaud. What issues?
I'd have to dig them out to get the dates. Likely around 1978-79.

< > I also have a copy of quest tiny Basic, hex dump, paper tape and it's
< > manual.
< How big is tiny BASIC? How did you communicate with it? A terminal
< over a 1854 UART?

It's 2k (fits in a 2716), romable and was sold that way as well. IO
in the version I have expects UT4 (monitor) or the equivelent. UT4 uses
EF4 and Q to do bit serial to tty.

Oh, I bought it because it was cheap ($10 in 1978) and never used it!
I was having more fun running small stuff in asm.

Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:53:35 GMT

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