Old, but not "Classic"

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Wed Nov 11 13:05:47 1998

At 09:31 AM 11/11/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I frequently get given 286 and 386 computers as well as hearing about people
>that are just throwing them away. Does anyone else on this list try to find
>homes for these things, or know of homes? It seems such as waste to throw
>out perfectly good computers just because they don't run the current rage of
>the day.

I have stacks of them in the basement. By the time I get them, they're
often divorced from their docs and software manuals. I don't have
similar piles of WordPerfect 4.2 or whatever to load on them. Giving
someone a computer like this can be a burden if they think they should
be running Windows 95, or are tantalized by the net and today's software.
And then there's tech support and maintenance - you realize you'll be
on the hook for charitable support well beyond the device itself.

- John
Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 13:05:47 GMT

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