Unknown Apple // card images ref

From: Geoff Roberts <geoffrob_at_stmarks.pp.catholic.edu.au>
Date: Thu Nov 12 01:10:21 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: David Williams <dlw_at_neosoft.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, 12 November 1998 16:36
Subject: Re: Unknown Apple // card images ref

Haven't tried that. I don't expect it to do much of anything but I'll give
it a shot
and let you know what happens. I still think it is a modem but I
can't imagine why it would have so many components.

Is there an AM7910 or 7911 chip on there?
That would peg it as a 300/1200-75 modem. (V21/V23)
That was one of the common chips used.

Geoff Roberts
Computer Systems Manager
Saint Marks College
Port Pirie South Australia.
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Received on Thu Nov 12 1998 - 01:10:21 GMT

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