Daybreak hard drives (was Re: Collectibles for the future)

From: Jim Strickland <>
Date: Fri Nov 13 01:09:17 1998

Junk? Um... I have two other drives that are working flawlessly. The one
that failed was one of the first scsi insider zip drives out. Hardware bugs
happen. The replacement has worked flawlessly ever since.

PS: Don't feel too bad for them. They refurbish the drives and sell them
through places like Damark. :)


> I feel bad for companies that replace junk for free. In a way, it's
> great support, but it also indicates that they expect this stuff to
> go bad. I almost never have hardware problems (some people fry their
> mobo every day), but floppy drives are definitely the least reliable of
> all modern PC technology (maybe next to monitors).
> >I'm curious. I've got 3 zip drives in use, and they've all performed
> flawlessly
> >except that the one in my PC croaked. I called them and they fed-exed
> me
> >a new one, and I sent them the old one. *shrug*

Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat!  Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Fri Nov 13 1998 - 01:09:17 GMT

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