8-bit FORTH

From: cswiger <cswiger_at_wilma.widomaker.com>
Date: Fri Nov 13 10:42:21 1998

From: dave dameron[SMTP:ddameron_at_earthlink.net]
Subject: Re: 8-bit FORTH

>>the right balance of control - not as terse as assembly, and
>>not as handcuff'd as BASIC.
>I found FORTH to be _more_ terse than any other language, except maybe
>I tried a forth computer 80188 SBC with FORTH in EPROM (Used in the

Ah, won't argue with that. As was pointed out, one loves or hates it,
sometimes get branded a 'religion', uses the HP calc style 'reverse
polish' stack, etc. I'm not aware of many 'killer apps' written in
FORTH, it seems to live in real-time controllers, telescopes, etc.

>they could write on a single line. Very difficult to read!!!
>(just joking)

One of the points in the TIL book was you can make your language
as custom and weird as you want - if you want '$' to mean 'add two
numbers', go for it. Some places call that 'job security'. :>

Received on Fri Nov 13 1998 - 10:42:21 GMT

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