On Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 06:44:25PM +0000, Tony Duell wrote:
> > I'm hoping to eventually locate some X-Specs 3D which worked at television
> > frequencies. I think they plugged into the Amiga joystick port, and just
> > liquid crystal shutters. The 3D modes were done on interlaced screens,
> > with the image for one eye drawn on the odd lines, and the image for the
> > other eye drawn on the even lines. The shutters would activate in synch
> > with the interlacing.
> That's how the Evans and Sutherland 3-d glasses for the PS390 image
> display unit worked. The control box for the glasses seems to be a simple
> divide-by-2 flip-flop triggered off the vertical sync pulse. It operates
> the 2 LCD shutters.
Do you, perchance, have technical manuals for E&S board set that is part of
VAXstation 8000 (or, for that matter, any docs on this VAXstation)? I hope
this box will be running NetBSD/vax soon, and getting X11R6 to run on it
would be good :)
Sergey Svishchev -- svs{at}ropnet{dot}ru
Received on Mon Nov 16 1998 - 23:52:48 GMT