Source for anti-stat pink foam?

From: Riuss Blakeman <>
Date: Mon Nov 16 15:39:18 1998

William Donzelli wrote:

> You might also try your local phone compnay. Generally an install job
> results in a huge number of bags, waiting to be taken. When we installed
> some FDDI switches about a year back, I went home with hundreds, maybe
> even one thousand, of the things.

Many will not give anything away so you have to dumpster dive. They feel if they
give it away they have a liability in the event something unusual happens, such a as
a rash of suffocation murders and the bags are found with their stickers on the
victims (I'm just kidding on this example but you know my point).

I did get the local phone co to give me 500 bags and a giant bag of foam nuts
though, as a donation for a semi formal group I'm involved in that gets excess
machines from a charity group and then turns them around for non-profit groups to
use in the area. Didn't take long to use most of them.

> Also, be careful with the pick foam. Many people think that all pink foam
> (or peanuts) are antistatic. They are not. Anyway, some of it is blue.

The antistats will have a slightly sticky feel to them as opposed to the dry feel of
regular styro nuts. The most common ESD peanuts are green.
Received on Mon Nov 16 1998 - 15:39:18 GMT

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