Source for anti-stat pink foam?

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Tue Nov 17 20:28:28 1998

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Richard A. Cini, Jr. wrote:

> You know, with all of the collecting that I have done, I have never gone
> dumpster diving. I guess that I'm afraid of my embarassment if I get cought.
> You know, if someone thought that I was an industrial spy or something.
> Who's going to believe that I was just looking for pink foam!

Yeah, it can be a little embarassing perhaps, but think of all the money
you save! Its not so bad, if someone asks you to leave then just leave.
(Or if you're the confrontational type, tell them to MAKE you leave, damn

And yes, people will believe you if you say you're just getting foam and
boxes. If you've climbed over a locked fence onto private property or
broken into an enclosed area, then yeah, you might be in a little hot
water, but just look for dumpsters in publicly accessible areas like
behind stores and such and you'll be fine.

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Always being hassled by the man.

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Received on Tue Nov 17 1998 - 20:28:28 GMT

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