> ::does anyone of the members own a SuperKIM or know
> ::a surviving unit ? I would like to get more informations
> ::(and maybe the computer :)
> A SuperKIM? What's the difference?
The SUPERKIM is a neat little board, based on the KIM
design, but with a real lot of enhancements. It uses
the same 6530-002 and -003 chips to get the KIM software
the same keyboard And connectors. But unlike the KIM
all ICs are on sockets, free sockets are already provided
for 6 more 2114 to get 4 K of RAM (like on the SYM)
four sockets for (E(P))ROM (up to 16 K), four sockets
for 6522 VIAs (one already in place), a interrupt
priotity logic, buffered busses, wire warp connectors
for almost anything, complete memory decode, and last
but not least a huge prototype area and a 5V and 12V
regulator, so you only have to add a transformer, instead
of designing your own PS. And the LEDs are already
atop a seperate PCB (like the keyboard, but here is
no difference to the KIM), so a 'distant' mount of
keyboard and display is easy.
On the backside, the _list_ price of 395 USD was
almost twice the street price of a KIM and in
the same region of the AIM street price (~400 USD
in 1978/9). Shure, for a pure controller system,
you don't need the ASCII keyboard, ASCII display
and printer, but instead more I/O and interrupts,
but the price was still impressive - I don't know
if they sold a lot, but I guess, since the company
had payed advertisements over more then one and a
half year.
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Thu Nov 19 1998 - 10:58:34 GMT