MICRO magazine (6502 related), who knows?

From: Hans B Pufal <hansp_at_digiweb.com>
Date: Thu Nov 19 13:23:46 1998

Hans Franke wrote:
> > So how was the Heinz Nixdorf Museum?
> Haven't been there this time, but it's nice, althrough
> my kind of computer museum would be a bit more on the
> variety of the 70s and 80s focused. Also the HNF Computer
> Museum is a _bit_ company specific (ok, not as much as the
> Tupperware Museum). Son't get me wrong, it is still VERY
> impressive and the most comprehensive of all existing
> Computer/Information Technology museums in the world (at
> least compared to everything I have seen until now). And
> compared to the computer department of the Deutsches
> Museum, all displays are finished in an usefull way (As
> you might have noticed, I'm still mad about the displays
> at the Deutsches Museum).

I visited the DM last month, you were in the states or I would have
contacted you. I was impressed by the machines they had but depressed by
the static nature of the displays.

What do you mean by "finished in a useful way"? Does the HNF have
working machines?


Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<mailto:hansp_at_digiweb.com> <http://digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc>
Received on Thu Nov 19 1998 - 13:23:46 GMT

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