At 13:54 11/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>I have a VT 102. The only info I can find thru searches is that it is very
>>similar to the VT 100 and has some sort of paging capability like a
>>Tektroniks 4014 terminal.
>Not exactly - the VT102 features were usually called "local editing".
>The 102 also came, by default, with 132-column capability and a few
>other bells and whistles that were options on the VT100.
>I'm not sure what you mean by "paging capability"...
It was a phrase I pulled outta the air while trying to get that msg typed
before lunch. In the msg back to Zane from a few minutes ago I think I
clarified this in that quote which mentions an editing window.
>The VT132 added block-mode capability, ala IBM mainframe terminals.
>> Also, there were a lot of pointers to terminal
>>emulators that have VT 102 compatibility. No help from them either.
>You didn't find Rick Shuford's archive of terminal info, then :-).
No, dang it! Here we go again, like you were questioning a few days ago
Tim: why don't some things get indexed? Is there another search engine I
don't know of that is able to dig stuff out like this? I normally use
Metacrawler as they simultaneously link to five or six or so different
search engines on a single search and am able to find a bunch of hits on a
single item.
As you suggest below, this page is a really great info source just from the
past few minutes of scanning it. I certainly bookmarked it under my
DEC-specific bookmarks.
On that note, If any of us find info source pages (on any machine of
course, not just DEC) which seem to not come up under our normal search
engine procedures please share them with the rest of the group. I'm still
looking for more IBM mini and mainframe URLs and Hewlett-Packard HP250
pages for example.
>The DEC-Specific page starts at
>and the more generic terminal-cell page starts at
>Rick's pages are a truly wonderful model of what web pages should be.
>Many good indices to useful information, remarkably little self-
>congratulatory graphics!
>>Could anybody point me to info on this terminal or at least describe what I
>>have got and if it would be useable with VMS (the paging feature)?
>VMS will work quite happily with the VT102. What exactly do you want
>to make it do?
Obviously, I would need some sort of way to use the windowing feature of
the 102. From the Neosoft site mentioned in the last msg to Zane, xterm
would have to be used but it won't work on VMS as it doesn't run the X
windowing system. Only unix-like OS's. However, am I correct in assuming
DECwindows under VMS is the ticket here? I don't yet know if I have
DECwindows on that ornery RD53 in my MVII was discussing my problems on
last week.
Thanks much, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Sun Nov 22 1998 - 13:44:10 GMT