Ahhh.... Exidy!
I have a LOT of Sorcerer software, and a massive homebrew HDD
Also yesterday picked up a Sorcerer machine (working).
If I can help in any way, contact me.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CLASSICCMP-owner_at_u.washington.edu
> [mailto:CLASSICCMP-owner_at_u.washington.edu]On Behalf Of David Williams
> Sent: Monday, November 23, 1998 5:55 PM
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Exidy Site update
> Work is continuing on my Exidy site. So far I've placed the
> _Guided_Tour_ booklet which came with the Sorcerer as well as
> the first 3 chapters of the _Standard_BASIC_ manual. The other
> chapters will be following as I complete them. I've also placed
> some PROM dumps sent to me by Pete Turnbull. He has also
> sent some postscript and asm listings which I'll have up there
> shortly. Lots more to go.
> -----
> David Williams - Computer Packrat
> dlw_at_trailingedge.com
> http://www.trailingedge.com
Received on Mon Nov 23 1998 - 00:59:00 GMT