Disclaimer: You might want find the following URL of more help.
http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/n11131 (hope I got that
right, my Mac won't let me cut and paste between X-Windows and MacOS, and I
run Netscape on a UNIX box)
>Question: Is this monitor a VGA type ? Even though it has the same apple
I think so, but when it comes to Mac's and video it seems like nothing is
standard! Personally I won't touch a Macintosh monitor, I use good
Multisync monitors on my Mac's, or a really cheesy ancient Magnavox VGA
>I am assuming the Apple IIgs computer uses an RGB/CGA type monitor ?
>I also looked on my Apple Mac SE, and saw no connection for an external
>I guess it will not work with the SE Mac..
Well, the odds are it will, BUT you won't want to pay what it will cost.
Video cards for SE's and SE/30's are available, but unless you get lucky,
they'll probably cost an arm and a leg. My SE/30 has one, and I've driven
a NEC 3D Multisync with it.
>If it woun't work on my Apple Mac SE or Apple IIgs, What does this monitor
>on ?
>No model number on it, just says Macintosh Color Monitor on the back of it..
>Can someone tell me what the pinouts are for this monitor ?
>Is it IBM VGA compatable if I build an adaptor to a standard vga 15 pin..?
>It looks like a very well built monitor, possibly a Sony Trinitron Tube in
>Thanks for the help... Phil...
Well.... If it's the monitor listed on the web page I list above, it's
looks to be amazingly close to stardard VGA, honestly not sure how
compatible "Old Fashioned" VGA is with modern video cards though.
As for an adapter, it should be possible. A standard Macintosh-to-VGA
adapter has a female connector for the VGA video, and a Male connector for
that wierd Mac Video connector. Are those the connections you need? If
so, I'd imagine it isn't that hard to get them, if not, they do make gender
changers that would hopefully allow you to use the adapter. WARNING: it
seems not all of these adapters are created equal, I've tried using the NEC
3D adapter on a Sony 20", and it wouldn't work. However, I'm able to use
the one from the Sony 20" on a Viewsonic P815 (thankfully since the P815
didn't come with one).
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/ |
Received on Thu Nov 26 1998 - 21:53:39 GMT