networking newbie

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Fri Nov 27 09:02:32 1998 wrote:
> Just kindly point to right place so I could do:
> Have 2 NICs in Win95sux machine, both are working.
> Nic 1 is for cable modem as normal - printer/sharing off.
> nic 2 for download / upload data to my machine but cannot be accessed
> by nic 1.
> So I can use that machine to pull the linux files by NFS to setup a
> new linux box.
> I need to know what is proper way and what terms it's called. If I
> need a specific program to add to this setup please specifiy one that
> I don't have to pay or unlimited shareware.

The difficulty is that you're using the Win95 machine as your
router/bridge, and Win95 is not the best choice for providing this
kind of service. I know there are products out there that should
do it, but I've never had real cause to research them and I don't
know what there is in freeware.

If the machine with the cablemodem and reqular network card was
running Linux, it would be a piece of cake, there have been
excellent articles in Linux Journal and several HOWTOs on just that
subject. Hopefully, within not too many weeks I'll be able to give
precise step-by-step instructions, whenever cablemodem service
reaches my neighborhood. (Admittedly, when the cablemodem is
installed by Comcast, they'll set it up on the rarely-booted Win95
partition of this system, because that's all they know how to do,
then I set up Linux networking and routing on my own -- I foresee
little difficulty). Then (to keep classic computers involved), it
will be possible for authorised guests to telnet into my Linux box
and reach serial login to an old Tandy 6000 and an AT&T Unix PC or
two and perhaps a Color Computer 3 running OS-9 Level II.
Ward Griffiths <> <>
WARNING:  The Attorney General has determined that Alcohol, Tobacco,
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Received on Fri Nov 27 1998 - 09:02:32 GMT

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