Color QuickDraw

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Fri Nov 27 19:18:16 1998

> None of the b&w compact Macs have Color Quickdraw in ROM but I believe
> the Color Quickdraw extension will run on an SE/30.

Actually the SE/30 does have Color Quickdraw in ROM. All Macs that Apple
shipped with 68020, 68030, and 68040 processors (and their variants) have
Color Quickdraw in ROM. The later ones even have 32-bit Quickdraw.

This is true irrespective of whether the Mac has a B&W display built in.
For instance, on the SE/30 it is possible to install a color display adapter
in the PDS, and it works fine and in full color without needing any
special software installed.
Received on Fri Nov 27 1998 - 19:18:16 GMT

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