Call for final Elf99 design input

From: Doug Coward <>
Date: Mon Nov 30 17:37:40 1998

Ethan Dicks said:
>I am cranking along with the capture of the Elf99 design ....

I just found this thread. This is a great idea and should have been
tried sooner. I'll buy one.

>Did I miss anything? Any other suggestions?

The only thing I see missing is the expansion bus connector.
(Did I miss that part?)
There are hundreds of things that would be nice to have, but it's
important that the design be finished and the boards made. Leave the
bells and whistles to the end users. If you create an Elf that can
address about 2K, has a small prototype area, and has a good
expansion bus, then all things are possible. (Including S-100 interface)
 You should copy one of the two Super Elf buses.

> A protoyping area of .1" spaced plated-through holes, nominally
> a few inches long by one or two inches wide.

A prototype area should be for wirewrapping. I don't see any need
for plated-through holes, and pads are not REALLY necessary either.

>I will not be including space
>for an 1861 because I have been entirely unable to locate a source.

The 1861 should be easy to add on later. In the prototype area or hot melted
to the top of another chip. Just make sure it's easy to cut the trace for the
original clock circuit and wire in the new one.

>Ooh. What a concept. I know there is a CHIP-8 emulator page out there.
>Perhaps there is a source version of the interpreter floating around.

I think there is a source code listing in Paul Moews book on
Elf interpreters.
Doug Coward
Press Start Inc.
Received on Mon Nov 30 1998 - 17:37:40 GMT

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