HP Laserjet Series II

From: John Lawson <jpl15_at_netcom.com>
Date: Mon Nov 30 22:42:49 1998

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Max Eskin wrote:

> This is a couple of months off topic,but I'll post it anyway. At my school,
> there are a couple dozen Laserjet Series IIs. I've been trying to install
> four into one room, and for some reason almost every single one claims a paper
> jam right as soon as I tell it to print ( a self test, for example). The paper
> hardly gets out of the tray, it's generally just starting to get past the

  Ahhh, yes.. this one I know well. The company whose time clock I
punch has about three dozen of these old guys in a store room..
they all have the same problem.. and it is: the very front set of
rollers (the pick-and-feed rollers) over the paper tray have become
hardened and non-gummy with age. The fix is: replace the rollers.
The problem is: no rollers available. The solution: give them up for
adoption, and when nobody wants them... well, you know the rest.

  One could kludge together something to go around the old rollers,
but the sveral things I tried just didn't perform reliably, mainly
causing double and/or multiple feeds...

  They they brough me a brand-new modern HP 4L and I quit being
frustrated by the old one.


Received on Mon Nov 30 1998 - 22:42:49 GMT

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