Back! I'm back... (now WinNT hit-and-run)

From: John Foust <>
Date: Tue Sep 1 08:38:51 1998

At 04:26 PM 8/31/98 -0700, Sam Ismail wrote:
>On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, John Foust wrote:
>> WinNT is quite stable. I've been running it for years - since 3.0,
>> I think, under heavy daily software development.
>Use Linux instead. Its far less picky about its hardware (and a whole
>lot more stable too, not to mention just a better OS).

Yeah, then there's that really big market of Linux users who love to
pay for software.

I use Linux alot, but not for running Microsoft products or Windows code.
All my firewalls and source code servers are Linux. The SGI version
of my product easily recompiles and runs under Linux and X Window.
We used it occasionally to use Checker and Electric Fence for debugging.

I've got hundreds of unsold CDs of a Linux-based 3D product in the
basement, left over from when my company was acquired. I'll gladly
send a CD of it for free to anyone in the world who wants to send me
a piece of old computer junk or software in trade. See my web page
to see what I like.

(See a description of Megahedron
and download a free, fully functional demo for Win95/NT x86 and AXP,
Linux and SGI IRIX from <>.)

Frankly, Linux doesn't fit under the ten-year-rule. We'll need to
wait until 2003 for that. Sure, it might run on old PCs, though.

- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <>
Received on Tue Sep 01 1998 - 08:38:51 BST

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