FWD: COSMAC user needs help

From: Doug Yowza <yowza_at_yowza.com>
Date: Wed Sep 2 04:48:38 1998

Roger Lamson <rlamson_at_snds.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 12:39:56

     We have some old 1802 source code that was not documented,
     now we need to "reverse" engineer this code and develop
     flow charts so that we can then implement the correct algoithms
     in a new processor.
     Is there a cosmac 1802 users group out there?
     Is there a development system, UT20 from RCA out there?

I'd offer this guy my COSMAC ICE, but currently I have no way to verify
that it works (i.e., I haven't built my COSMAC ELF yet :-)

-- Doug
Received on Wed Sep 02 1998 - 04:48:38 BST

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