FWD: COSMAC user needs help

From: Hans Franke <franke_at_sbs.de>
Date: Wed Sep 2 08:22:59 1998

> <<
> Roger Lamson <rlamson_at_snds.com>
> San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 12:39:56
> We have some old 1802 source code that was not documented,
> now we need to "reverse" engineer this code and develop
> flow charts so that we can then implement the correct algoithms
> in a new processor.
> Is there a cosmac 1802 users group out there?
> Is there a development system, UT20 from RCA out there?
> Thanks
> >>
> I'd offer this guy my COSMAC ICE, but currently I have no way to verify
> that it works (i.e., I haven't built my COSMAC ELF yet :-)

In fact, I still have a group of RCA tapes with an cross
assembler and other tools (for /360 compatible RCA Mainframe :)
- We just need one of these 1966..75 build dinosaurs.

Or to be more constructive, I'm still able to read and write
1802 Assm (or at least I belive to be - it's some years ago :).
Writing 'modern' Assemblers (Z80, x86, MIPS, ARM etc.) isn't
tragic at all.

I'm just a bit far away from SD.


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Wed Sep 02 1998 - 08:22:59 BST

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